Reaching towns in our area with the Gospel of Christ

We would like to request your prayers for the thousands of people that live near our home-town and do not have a Bible believing church to go. We will be reaching those towns, but we need your help. We are planning to reach each home in the towns around us, we are also considering the possibility of starting Bible studies in a town a city an hour from us, Tarragona. We need your help. We are in need of Gospel tracts, New Testaments, and funds to cover the expenses of our campaigns. We would like to invite you to take an active part in reaching thousands with the precious Gospel of Christ. We will keep you informed of what the Lord is doing, through our prayer letters, video reports and blogs. You can help us by praying each day for the salvation of people, for us and for God´s work in Spain. You may take an active part helping us to buy Gospel tracts, New Testaments or through love offerings to pay for the expenses, renting of places for the Bible studies etc. Every little effort...