As an important part of our ministry we wanted to use the written page. Through articles, tracts, magazines, and books we have been reaching many of our friends and neighbors. When we started the church at Castellbisbal we used the name of "Castell i Baluard" for our written church bulletin. "Castell i Baluard" (Castle and stronghold -Psalm 18:2) has become the name for our Publishing ministry. We have already printed two books, "Katharland" and "El Estandarte Cátaro." I have just received from the printing press a third book "Compendio de Amor." This book is going to be used as an evangelistic tool. It was written by one member of our congregation and it is a recompilation of poems he wrote. These poems talk about God, life and family. As the Lord provides, we would like to publish two more books that are right now inside my computer and that we would love to publish. One is dealing with the history of the Christians in Spain, " ...