The Joys and Shadows of May
God is faithful. I will never be tire of saying it. He is the Lord of our lives and the Lord of our work. So when I look back on this May, only we have to thank Him for the joys ... and shadows. Ministerially has been intense. Some 18 people have been visiting us this month with the desire to join our church. They are believers who have had to become "pilgrims" as they left a church which pastor was teaching false doctrine. These are spiritually injured Christians. My prayer and desire is to help them in the love of our Lord in order to regain their trust and confidence in the sound doctrine. We need wisdom, but we know there is a balm that heals all wounds and that balm is Christ. It is difficult to accept people of other churches,. It is not the first time we minister to wounded brothers and the result in earlier times was not always positive. It is true that the experiences in the past make me act...