The Joys and Shadows of May

God is faithful. I will never be tire of saying it. He is the Lord of our lives and the Lord of our work. So when I look back on this May, only we have to thank Him for the joys ... and shadows.

  Ministerially has been intense. Some 18 people have been visiting us this month with the desire to join our church. They are believers who have had to become "pilgrims" as they left a church which pastor was teaching false doctrine.  These are spiritually  injured Christians. My prayer and desire is to help them in the love of our Lord in order to regain their trust and confidence in the sound doctrine. We need wisdom, but we know there is a balm that heals all wounds and that balm is Christ. It is difficult to accept people of other churches,. It is not the first time we minister  to wounded brothers and the result in earlier times was not always positive.  It is true that the experiences in the past make me act much more cautiously. I pray that the Lord will be glorify and we pray for the recovery of these brethren.  Pray for these dear brothers and me as a pastor.

  The work of evangelization is being a blessing to the church. This month we have had many visits from unbelievers and people who have come as a result of sharing the Gospel. Pray for Mary who is coming faithfully every Sunday, an old lady in need. Pray also for Ianko who came a Sunday with intention to return to the church but we lost contact with him. Pray for Anna, a Gypsy  woman, who is healing wounds in her  life while getting closer and closer to the Lord. Pray for Maria a young woman who accepted the Lord and now is doing discipleship studies. Pray for the hundreds d households have once again received testimony through tracts. We also request your prayers for the work at Moià, the Bible studies in Valls (Tarragona) and the group in Terrasa.

Testimony in the marriage union. John and Martha´s  lives joined in a precious weading.  We were witnesses of their union. I preached at the wedding a message of salvation. Many of the guests were unconverted and we could see the work of the Lord touching lives and hearts.

  In the shadow of the Tower. I have created a DVD titled “In the Shadow of the Tower” It contains a lot of apologetic material against Jehovah's Witnesses that I created as an evangelistic aid for the  brethren of our church. The project started a couple of weeks ago when I had the opportunity to meet with a leader of the JW for almost four hours and discuss their teachings. Marck Twain said that "it is easier to trick people than to convince them that they have been deceived ..." that's my experience with the JW.  Only the Lord can speak to their hearts in need.

In the Valley of the Shadow. It is never easy to walk through that valley, especially when it comes to a loved one. My mother-in-law was taken to  hospital a couple of weeks ago. Just yesterday we were informed of the diagnosis. He suffers from cancer of the endometrium and is in a terminal phase. There is nothing doctors can do and everything can be resolved within days. The testimony of my dear mother-in-law  in all this time has been delightful,  her faith and trust in the Lord has been a continuous encouragement. But we urge you to pray for the family at this time. We pray that the Lord will give us his peace and comfort.

God is faithful and that encourages us to continue serving and loving the lost souls around us. I greatly appreciate your continued support and prayers.  You are an important part of the Lord's work here in Castellbisbal.



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