I have heard that the great awakening began in a prayer meeting of just a few people. History has changed, but God has not. What we had the opportunity to live during this last days well could be a beginning of a spiritual fire in the hearts and lives of many people. We had the privilege and honor of participating in a summit for the evangelism of Europe. Around 160 young people, a group of pastors and representatives of different independent baptist churches gathered together in order to pray and study God´s word with a main burden; the need of preaching the Gospel to every creature. I was invited to preach in three different occasions with the main topic of "the defense of the Bible," "Scientific Proofs of the existence of God" and a general meeting where I preached about the Gospel of Jesus Christ -Romans 1:16. After the summit I was invited to preach in Iglesia Bautista Fe in Sevilla and the Iglesia Evangélica of Alcala de Guadaira which pastor is the only Jap...