I have heard that the great awakening began in a prayer meeting of just a few people. History has changed, but God has not. What we had the opportunity to live during this last days well could be a beginning of a spiritual fire in the hearts and lives of many people. We had the privilege and honor of participating in a summit for the evangelism of Europe. Around 160 young people, a group of pastors and representatives of different independent baptist churches gathered together in order to pray and study God´s word with a main burden; the need of preaching the Gospel to every creature. I was invited to preach in three different occasions with the main topic of "the defense of the Bible," "Scientific Proofs of the existence of God" and a general meeting where I preached about the Gospel of Jesus Christ -Romans 1:16.

After the summit I was invited to preach in Iglesia Bautista Fe in Sevilla and the Iglesia Evangélica of Alcala de Guadaira which pastor is the only Japanese missionary in our country. On Tuesday of this week I taught in the Bible Institute of the Iglesia de la Fe. The Lord was with us and used our ministry there encouraging our hearts. Rosa and I had the opportunity to visit the monastery at Isidoro del Campo, where Casidoro de Reina y Cipriano de Valera were monks and started the Reformation movement in Spain while working in the translation of the first Spanish Bible in 1569. We were able to visit there the Castillo de Triana, general quarters of the Inquisition. It is hart to explain our feeling while we were stepping in the same spots where several hundreds of Christians dies as martyrs at the hands of the Inquisition.

Meanwhile our children were at camp in Ebenezer. Our congregation was kept in good hands while we were travelling. The five deacons chosen recently in our church are doing a precious job for the Lord and the feeling in the congregation is of one heart and mind. We are very grateful to the Lord for that as we are now seeing rains of blessings upon us and the sweet result of past stormy days.

God is faithful and He will give us the strength to reach those without Him, the Gospel of Christ is our reason of being here... thank you so much for your loving support.


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Prayer Letter November