July Prayer Letter
God answers prayer, and His answers are always greater and better that what we expected. You have been praying for us and for the work of the Lord in Spain, let me share what THE LORD IS DOING! New visitors and contacts. For three consecutive Sundays we had new people coming to our congregation. Wilma and Xavi with their two daughters have continued visiting us, please pray for the salvation of Xavi. Gabi and his daughter, Claudia with her fiancé, Albert came to visit us again. They need the salvation that is in Christ. Yesterday came to our service, David Mier, a friend from university of my son Daniel. David is a “good” Catholic that goes to mass every Sunday, but what a thrilling joy was to see his face when I explained the four columns of our faith; “Sola Scriptura, Sola Gratia, Sola Fides, and Solo Cristo”…. I presented to him the eternal Gospel, please pray for His salvation. Please continue praying for the salvation of David Castellbi , Vicens, Marco, Sandra, Luca, Antoni...