July Prayer Letter

God answers prayer, and His answers are always greater and better that what we expected. You have been praying for us and for the work of the Lord in Spain, let me share what THE LORD IS DOING!
New visitors and contacts.
For three consecutive Sundays we had new people coming to our congregation. Wilma and Xavi with their two daughters have continued visiting us, please pray for the salvation of Xavi. Gabi and his daughter, Claudia with her fiancé, Albert came to visit us again. They need the salvation that is in Christ. Yesterday came to our service, David Mier, a friend from university of my son Daniel. David is a “good” Catholic that goes to mass every Sunday, but what a thrilling joy was to see his face when I explained the four columns of our faith; “Sola Scriptura, Sola Gratia, Sola Fides, and Solo Cristo”…. I presented to him the eternal Gospel, please pray for His salvation. Please continue praying for the salvation of David Castellbi, Vicens, Marco, Sandra, Luca, Antonio, Salvador, and Silvia.
Mini Camp
Since last summer when we were in furlough we had quite a beat of changes in our camp ministry. Rosa and I with a group of young people from our church are taking a new approach to it. We are making an important emphasis in the local church. Through VBS, Day Camps in our local, and using tents for camping we have been able to cut expenses and invite children to come. We had a precious mini camp this weekend. We learned about the Bible, creation and we even used a “metal detector” to look for hidden treasures… The Lord was with us and He blessed our hearts.  
In Answer to Prayer
The Lord is doing “great” things for us. We have been paying the loan to the bank now for ten years… we had a monthly payment of 840 euros… much of it in interest rate. This is a burden for us as much of our offerings goes to pay the dept off. This month a member of our congregation came to me and gave us a check of 25 thousand euros to help cutting off our loan. He is not giving us this money, just lend it to us without interest with the purpose of taking the burden from the bank and allowing us to pay off our loan faster. This was an answer to prayer that came in a moment of need in my own personal life. I was able to see how the Lord is in control of everything and How He supplies our needs month after month, day after day. We have now a 45.000 euros to pay to the bank. I have started a found to pay off the whole debt. May be through donations, special offerings or personal loans like the one that the member of our church did, we would like to be free from the responsibility with our bank. This will allow us to concentrate our support in other areas like evangelism, or opening new places of testimony. I would like to request your prayers for this, I am sure the Lord is going to do something precious for us.
I have more to share… Daniel and Abigail are going in a mission trip, Jeremy may start his Pilot´s school this year, We have a Family Camp soon… we are going to continue evangelizing the town of Sant Andres… and the contacts in Tarragona are growing… but I will share these things in our next report. Thanks for praying for us!!!


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