As we have been celebrating the Resurrection of Christ through Eastern we were encouraged to remember that we have a risen Savior, that we have the victory and the power of Him who loved us until the end. I have just returned from a summit in Madrid where I had the privilege and joy of serving the Lord together with many other missionaries and Pastors from Spain, Mexico, Morocco and the USA. We started participating in these summit three years ago, and we have seen the hand of the Lord encouraging teens from all Spain to serve Him with their lives and to reach with the Gospel the lost people around them. A group of teens from our church were able to come with us and they came back encouraged and in fire for the work and the ministry. But this has not been the only conference of this month and a half. During February our Bible Institute (Fundación Bíblica) together with another ministry sponsored a conference dealing with the error of ecumenism. We continue having a burd...