As we have been celebrating the Resurrection of Christ through Eastern we were encouraged to remember that we have a risen Savior, that we have the victory and the power of Him who loved us until the end.
I have just returned from a summit in Madrid where I had the privilege and joy of serving the Lord together with many other missionaries and Pastors from Spain, Mexico, Morocco and the USA. We started participating in these summit three years ago, and we have seen the hand of the Lord encouraging teens from all Spain to serve Him with their lives and to reach with the Gospel the lost people around them. A group of teens from our church were able to come with us and they came back encouraged and in fire for the work and the ministry.

But this has not been the only conference of this month and a half. During February our Bible Institute (Fundación Bíblica) together with another ministry sponsored a conference dealing with the error of ecumenism. We continue having  a burden in our hearts in order to prepare pastors. One of the battles that they are going to confront is the correct understanding of Biblical separation. I have been also requested from several pastors to collaborate with their ministries of Bible Institutes in their own local churches. Many missionaries have seen the need of establishing Bible institutes in their own ministries, but they need help. I may be traveling to different places to give “Intensivos” (one week concentrated Bible Study). Please pray that the Lord will allow me to go and to serve Him. Pray also for His provision.

I continue reaching the town of Papiol. I have just bought a box of Bibles, but we will need many more. We are also in need of Gospel tracts and evangelistic DVDs. As the Bible study at Tarragona increases I am realizing more and more the needs of that outreach. I am praying for new supporters that would like to help us to buy Bibles and Gospel material and cover the expenses of traveling to Tarragona. Please pray with us about this need and if you would like to be part of this ministry now is the moment that we are in most need.
We are also very busy in our church preparing two weddings for this summer, one of them of our own son. 

Daniel and Abigail are going to get married the 18th of June. The Lord is helping them and providing for their needs and we rejoice in that. They are going to be living in Castellbisbal, so they will continue helping us in the ministry especially with the camps and children ministry. We thank the Lord for the joy of seeing our children “walking in the truth” (III John 1:4). Our family is the ministry from which flow the rest of ministries. 

We were able to spend two days as a family together in order to celebrate my 49th birthday. We also used that time to praise the Lord for His care and help during one of the most difficult years of our lives. Although I continue having some health issues I know the Lord is in control of our lives and He watches over us.
I have been doing some video logs in order to share with you some needs and news about our ministry. You may watch them in our facebook (Peter Pinyol). Please continue praying for us, we thank the Lord for each of you, your love and your monthly support.  We are here… because you are there. In the Love of Christ,



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Prayer Letter November