“I will come to your church” … He told me that with an assurance in his voice, but I have heard it before… Alexandro a young man that I met years ago is a member of Opus Dei, Catholic sect. He disagrees with everything he has seen there, yet, he does not want to become a “protestant…” Didac another young man. He follows the “rigui” philosophy trying to find peace in zen inside himself, he sees his need and have many questions, he also said, “I will come to your church” … so many hundreds of examples I can give you of people that I testify daily. They know me. I think that by now everybody in town knows who the pastor of the “non-Catholic” church is. I cannot walk in town without stopping and talking to somebody, friendly conversations, many times about the Bible, yet they don´t come to Christ, they don´t believe in Him as personal Savior… But we continue preaching and giving the Gospel to all of those that are in need… please pray for them. There is time we have fruit, unexpe...
Mostrando entradas de septiembre, 2019