“I will come to your church” … He told me that with an assurance in his voice, but I have heard it before… Alexandro a young man that I met years ago is a member of Opus Dei, Catholic sect. He disagrees with everything he has seen there, yet, he does not want to become a “protestant…” Didac another young man. He follows the “rigui” philosophy trying to find peace in zen inside himself, he sees his need and have many questions, he also said, “I will come to your church” … so many hundreds of examples I can give you of people that I testify daily. They know me. I think that by now everybody in town knows who the pastor of the “non-Catholic” church is. I cannot walk in town without stopping and talking to somebody, friendly conversations, many times about the Bible, yet they don´t come to Christ, they don´t believe in Him as personal Savior… But we continue preaching and giving the Gospel to all of those that are in need… please pray for them.
There is time we have fruit, unexpected fruit. Two years ago a sister in our church started a Bible study at her home. We encourage her and support her. She lives in a town half an hour from us… This Bible study has grown and 12 ladies are meeting regularly at her house, then the husbands of some the ladies have begun to come… they talk to me with a desire; starting a new church in the town of Collbató. Every Monday Rosa and I will be going there with that in mind, praying that the Lord will do His will… we need help, we need preachers, leaders, mature men that can help us. Please pray for the town of Collbató.
Sant Joan de les Abadeses, Arces, Camprodon, Molló, Talamanca, Boi, Pont de Suert  these are the names of the Little towns where Rosa and have been this summer reaching the “the deep Catalunya” where few times the people there hears about the Gospel. Tracts, Bibles and New Testaments were left behind us with the prayer that someone will read them and that a contact will start…  meanwhile the work in Tarragona has given us the opportunity to have many contacts but it is difficult to start a point of testimony without having a place. We continue in prayer about that city. Please pray for these towns.
The church at Castellbisbal continues growing. Every month we have visitors or new families coming looking for a “good church.” This is very encouraging. But we need help serving them. I look forward to have with us a Missionary from Uruguay that is “retiring” to Spain, Manuel Moyano. He has been working with Jewish out rich in Montevideo and I am sure he will be a blessing for our ministry specially with the new open doors in Israel. Please pray for him as his family as they will need a place to live here in Castellbisbal or near by
FURLOUGH 2020 – We have begun to pray and prepare our furlough for next summer, August, September and October of 2020. There are many things yet to prepare and the first one is to contact with our supporting churches and with new ones. The Lord has open new doors of ministry specially abroad, South America and Israel, we receive continuous calls asking us to help specially in Bible Institutes and ministries camps and conferences, but many times I have to say no just because we do not have enough support to pay for the expenses. This situation has make me consider seriously the need of raising more support trying to reach “full support”. The Lord has always provided for us and His work and we know He will lead us in this next step. God´s willing I will be preparing things, but please pray for us that the Lord will provide what we need for our visit to you next summer… housing, car, airplane tickets, etc, etc… Please pray for us.


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Prayer Letter November