Our Publication Ministry

The first time I used  the name "Castell i Baluard" was in order  to refer to our church bulletin. The words of Psalm 18:1-2 in Catalan are very close to the name "Castell Bisbal ..." Since I saw that similitude of words  I wanted to use this term to refer to our ministry of the written page.
  Since the publication of "El Estandarte Cátaro" We continued publishing several books and preparing new ones, (Katharland, Paleocristianity in Spain, Excellence in Christian music, Winds of Error, etc. ...). This work of writing has also led to a profound study of our historic spiritual heritage especially in Catalonia, land of castles and bastions, land of the Cathars.
  In order to centralize our publications and continue the study of the Bible in Spain my family and I had the idea of ​​creating a cultural entity that will allow us to access to that legacy in a more easy and efficient way. Our prayer is that the Lord will continue using the ministry of literature and historical research as it has done so far. In our new publications you will see this logo, Castell i Baluard. It is our prayer that God will use this  for His glory.


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Prayer Letter November