Prayer Letter November

"That I may know Him…” (Phil. 3:10)

Christ, Christ, and only Christ… nothing else should take His place, He is the center and reason of the ministry, the only reason we are here, the only motive of our hearts.
Observing the people around me, I see each day thousands that are going to hell without Christ, many rejecting the only way of Salvation, others embracing sin or destroying their own lives in wrong doings… but I was like one of them before knowing my Savior.  Josep, our neighbor, lost his 19 yrs old son in a motorcycle accident.  I talk to him about eternity and the conform in the promises of God. Nuria, one of the students in my English class started crying when I mentioned her need of a true loving father. Luis a policeman that was recently involucrate in a shooting told me about his fear, although he did not believe in anything… every day I speak with people that are near eternity  and only Christ can save them.
A group of 24 went to help Scott Newton in the town of Ripollet giving tracts in a cold rainy evening… but no body complain because the weather. We rejoiced to hear how Scott has already a group of 10 people and 3 converts. He is also using English as a tool to contact people. To see the local at Ripollet painted and changed into a “Church” was thrilling. We had been praying for this to happen for years and now that the Lord has giving us an opportunity to help a new point of testimony is a blessing we have to share! And all because Christ by His grace allowed it to happen.
Talking about “English Classes” many of us using this as an evangelistic tool. This year I am also working with a group of students that asked me for classes. Although it has added to my already busy schedule I have been able to see the hand of the Lord working through new opportunities of testimony and contacts. I was invited to a congress in Barcelona of entrepreneurs, I spoke with several of the speakers about my faith in Christ and why I was a missionary in Europe.  I realize that it is difficult for people to understand that also Spain needs missionaries. We think of them in Africa, South America, or working in non developed countries, but here also there is a great need of called people serving, to rescuing, going to the unreached and giving them the bread of the Gospel, and all because Christ sent us.
The ministry among Children is a blessing for my own soul. Our Bible Club, Discovery, has increasingly grown since we started. This month we took the children to a Farm and all of them were able to ride horses, play with pigs, cows, ponies, and all kinds of birds! They learned that God created all of those precious creatures. Some of the parents came and that gave us an opportunity to talk about their spiritual needs. We also had a competition of mini-golf in our own local! And we received the visit of a peculiar creature, a Ferret!
The young people of our church are starting a new project, a Study in the book of Mathew and a time of fellowship every Sunday. Please pray that the Lord will raise a new generation of servants.
Continue praying for us, we more than ever appreciate your love, your support and your kindness toward us. Remember in prayer some of our spiritual and physical needs, I will be sharing more things very soon.
May Christ be glorify in everything that we say or do.


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