I lack words to express what it has meant the ministry in Peru. Words of thanks and explanation of the work the Lord has done through the 19 days I have spent in this country full of contrasts.Words of thanks for the family Gallarday who in coordination with the pastor of Maranatha Baptist Church saw fit to cover my expenses so I could preach in two conferences. The first week therewas a conference scheduled for marriages, the second week was scheduled a conference forworkers dealing with the issue of Stewardship .. . but God had prepared many things for me.

The next day after I arrived I began a ministry marathon that did not end until my return to Barcelona! In addition to the two conferences I had the opportunity to share the Word of God in the worship services in both Sundays I was there, I lead the marriage ceremony of a couple that was celebrating the 25 years anniversary. I was also invited to preach at a meeting of 250 women workers of the company Ebel, after which I was invited to preach aswell in a manajer´s meeting of this organization. The following day I visited a Christian School and I preached in the opening assembly of  their chappell in Lima.  I also preached at the Ladies meeting of Maranatha Baptist Church , On Saturday I gave Bible studies to the group of adolescents and youth group. I gave them four studies that addressed the issue of youth conflicts and Christian Dating. I was also gave a challenge to a group of teens that where celebrating a Birthday party in the home I was staying. I challgned them to surrender our lives to the Lord and serve Him. I visited the routes of the work hte church was doing among the children and I was able to see  the great need in the district of SanJuan de Miraflores ...

But the Maranatha church ministry was also developed out of the pulpit and the classroom, the Lord gave me the privilege to minister among the brothers, having meals and meetings at lunch or dinner and taking the opportunity to talk and do counseling work. The families of the church invited me to their houses to share with them, talked to them and I could hear their experiences and trials. I heard the storty of members of the police and army that fought against terrorism of Sendero Luminoso or the stories of the  immigrants that came from the interior of the jungle ...

Yvan's  and Carmen Wedding was a great blessing. What a joy it was to be with their family and staying at their home. Preparations for the wedding included a visit to the flower market, I was introduced to the culture of these lands. I also enjoyed the good food, even though their had different tastes, including the guinea pig which for them is a delicacy but for us is just a loving pet- I was able to visit Lima, Pachacamac, the Gold Museum, the Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, the Inquisition Museum, the Catholic catacombs, the monasteries and the colonial churches. In this way I was introduced to the country's history of the Inca Empire. 

From Lima we flew to Arequipa, there we visited the Baptist Seminary. They where at the last week of classes so the director gave me the opportunity to be part of the Graduation Gala dinner where I was invited to deliver the message. I also attend classes and share the ministry of the Word in the chapel time. I witnessed with great honor at the graduation of six students who were prepared to serve as pastors in different places. Arequipa fascinated me. The opportunity to fly over the Nazca lines and see  the great Nazca desert was unforgettable.

I did not go to Peru as a tourist ... although I had time to feel the sea breeze amid the Inca temples, to feel the passage of time and see what God is doing in this country of great wealth and great need at the same time. It did not stay in my mind many memories of the "stones" I saw there .. but it did stay in my mind the smiles, the faces and hearts of my dear Peruvian brothers,  children and young people who gave me the privilege to serve our God, who shared their love with me and once again made ​​me feel the joy of Serving our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.


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