Going Forward

Planting Churches in Spain has been the burden of our hearts since the Lord called us to serve Him.At the begining of our ministry and as a young missionary I took some decisions about "how to do it" (knowing of course that the Ministry is the Lord, that He has His sovereign will and purpose, and that I am just a servant). One thing that came to my mind was to establish a "mother church" out of which we could establish points of mission that eventually will become independent and autonomous congregations. My observation through the yeasrs was that some missionaries will start a church... leave to open another church, and the first one will just dissapear when the missionary was no more there. With that in mind a few years ago we began helping in a town, one hour from us, Moià. Our Co-worker Kevin Kenney took the group there and the Lord has been doing a precious work in that little town. But this has been just the beginning. Last year a group of people fr...