Going Forward

Planting Churches in Spain has been the burden of our hearts since the Lord called us to serve Him.At the begining of our ministry and as a young missionary I took some decisions about "how to do it" (knowing of course that the Ministry is the Lord, that He has His sovereign will and purpose, and that I am just a servant). One thing that came to my mind was to establish a "mother church" out of which we could establish points of mission that eventually will become independent and autonomous congregations. My observation through the yeasrs was that some missionaries will start a church... leave to open another church, and the first one will just dissapear when the missionary was no more there. 

With that in mind a few years ago we began helping in a town, one hour from us, Moià. Our Co-worker Kevin Kenney took the group there and the Lord has been doing a precious work in that little town. But this has been just the beginning. Last year a group of people from Valls, Tarragona, spoke with us about the possibility of helping them to establish a church there. They are without a pastor and they see the need of establishing a church in the area. I have had a bourden for Tarragona for years. That is the twon where I was born. I have many relatives that live there and I often go to Tarragona to visit. For a time I did not want to start a new work in the city because a missionary from our same position was starting a church in the city. Yet, he has left and is now in a town outside Tarragona leaving the possibility for us to continue our work in this place. Tarragona has been in my heart  since we arrived to Spain is for that reason that I have taken there all of you that have came to visit us.

Just last month another group of believers came to us asking for help. They are a group of twelve or fifteen Christians that were left without leadershipbecause a split in the church some years ago. They have been without any leadership for a long time.They heard about us and our work. They live in a town called Terrasa, which is situated just half an hour from our church. They have a building there that we could use,  and they would like to continue the testimony in that city.

As we see the whole situation we realice that Castellbisbal, Moià, Tarragona and Terrasa are now mission points where the Lord is leading us to continue HIS TESTIMONY. We need your prayers!!!

While I was in Peru I spoke with several pastors about the growth of the churches there. All of them told me that Peru a few years ago (during the 90´) was like Spain. There were not many churches. Yet, one factor made a huge difference... the Bible Institutes. As many young men graduated from these Bible Institutes they opened new churches and more people where able to listen to the Gospel. Since the beginning of our ministry we have wanted to establish a Bible Institute and Seminary. It has not been easy as we have encountered a lot of difficulties, yet the Lord has been good to us and the "Fundación Bíblica and Misionera" continues now with 25 students enrolled in our classes for another year. I believe that this ministry has not arrived yet to its full potential. We need a lot of help. We are in great need of your prayers!!!

Planting churches in four different places, a Bible Institute, Camps, translation and publication work, an also an increase in the ministry overseas (south american countries) plus all what we do in a daily bases for the ministry has increased a lot our expenses. WE TRUST IN THE LORD FOR HIS HAND SUPPORTING US AND PROVIDING FOR HIS WORK. It is not easy for me to talk about money, I do not like to do it, and I hardly ever share with our supporters "our needs" -I go to the Lord in prayer about those needs... I believe that money could be a "good servant" if it used properly and honorably but money could be also a horrible lord if it controls you. I have seen through the years abuses in the ministry because money. When we started our deputation we took only six months in the States raising support (although we had a five years visa, we wanted to be in the field as soon as possible). God did in six month a miracle for us. We were able to raise around two thousand dollars. That was what I was earning in my secular job at that time. I NEVER WANTED TO LIVE ABOVE THE PEOPLE I WAS SERVING. I know the budges of many missionaries, I know it is necessary to receive more of what we are receiving, and I understand that if I had more money I could do more for the Lord. But I have seen also how many have used the Lord´s money to put it  into their own pocket enjoying a high standard of living, or doing "business" with what  was entrusted to them for the ministry. This has been a stumbling block for many of the brethren in our churches. I had done all what I have been able to do in order to escape from that, so I will have a clear testimony of our use of money before the brethren. May be for that reason I am driving a 10 yr. old car, using an old clone computer, or not buying the last high tech gadget in the market. Many of the Christians I know are without work, and suffering the crisis in Europe, my responsibility is to serve them and to ministry to them...  Yes, I know, this is a very touchy topic, but I am being sincere (as I have always been). Last year we lost the support of one church that was sending us (three hundred dollars). That was very painful! Yet the Lord supplied for us two new churches that in total are sending us 300 dollars. God is faithful! He will never leave us! Where God calls, God supplies!!! We are so thankful for your loving support toward us and for the sacrifices you do so we can be serving the Lord, what a great responsibility we have before you and before the Lord. For this reason, pray for us!!!

This year we were planning to come to the States at Summer when our children are free from their responsibilities at school. There are churches we have not seen in 8 years. We thought it could be nice to come with the whole family. I have asked for airplane tickets and calculate the expenses of our trip. The prices are around one thousand dollars each (we are six... Abigail would like to come with us). We would also need a mini van for six people. We may need around seven thousand dollars just for the trip.  We just do not have this money. Last month we had five dollars left in our bank account, that were our "savings" but... God was faithful for another month. We are sharing this with all of you and praying at the same time for God´s will to be done. If the Lord leads you, and if He supplies what is needed we will be able to come. WE are eager to see you, and we would love to come, but I needed to share the reality of our situation and ask your fervent prayers for God´s will to be done.

You are a vital part of the work of God in Spain. You can help us: Praying for us, telling others about our work and our needs, supporting the work of God in Spain. Thanks so much for being part of our team!


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