December is synonymous of Christmas activities. Decorations, food, gifts ... but for the ministry in  Castellbisbal, Decembers is a very special time, a time of great blessings ... and, of course, a time of alot of work; The children's program, special music, the feast of Christmas, the special meeting at news year day... all our effort and work during these Christmas days have a special purpose: these days are an opportunity to share the Gospel with our neighbors and friends.

Children Program.

You can watch the program in a video that I uploaded in our channel of  youtube

The church was full and we were blessed to see 12 unbelievers in our midst. A part of good work done by the children that presented the history of Christmas, the many  visitors were able to listen to a message entitled "What if Christ had not come" ... We give to those who came a copy of the Gospel of John (the new version which  the Trinitarian Bible Society is praparing and I am having the opportunity to colaborate with) and a booklet explaining the purpose of Christmas. God touched the hearts of all that where pressent and one of the visitors asked me after the service to start a Bible study with him.

The Christmas Banquet.

This year the Christmas banquet coincided with the last day of the year, the 31st. . We were fewer people at the banquet than last year, only a group of 34. After dinner we entered the year in prayer, sharing the Word of God and hearing testimonies of the many blessings God had bestowed upon our lives. Just after 00.00 hours  a group of the young people, that were not able to be at the banquet, started to gather and we had special activities during that night (pictures of the year, skets, games, and hot chocolat). The "informal" time of fellowship was a blessing showing once again the friendship and companionship that the young people are having which each other. Many of the teens that were pressent  made resolutions to follow the Lord faithfully for another year

Sowing the precious seed.

During the Christmas days   the youth of our church and my family  had the opportunity to reach our neighbours with the Word of God. WE walked through the streets handing out leaflets with the message of Christmas. The Lord gave us fresh opportunities  to share with many people the good news of salvation.

Christmas and the holidays have gone fast this year, but it is our prayer that the message planted in the hearts of all our friends will not  go away  fast... but will last forever.


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