Beyond Our Borders

When the Lord called me to serve Him I was willing to go ANYWHERE He wanted me to go... I thought first that I had become a missionary to my onw people, my Jerusalem. But after several years of ministry I am realizing that in His Grace, the Lord has used our lives beyond our land, among the Spanish speaking people. First it was Cuba. That was a tryp that really marked my live and minsitry. Then Mexico in several occasions, Baja California,  Dominican Republic, Uruguay (two different times), Peru and of course the ministry among the spanish speaking people in the homeland, the United States. I landed in several airports and talk to people in Germany, England, Brussels, France, Denmark, Finland, Argentina, Brazil...  NO, I am not a world traveler, and I was not there as a tourist... actually I have done very little tourism... although every new place have brought to my heart a lot of love toward the people of those countries. I think I have left parts of my heart in each of those places...

Once again I have my suitcases ready. This time we will be traveling toward the island called "La Española", today known as Dominican Republic. God´s willing I will be participating in two different family retreats, sharing the Word of God with the church at Santo Domingo.  Our first visit to RD was ten years ago. Many people still remember our visit and ministry there and are very happy to see us again. The Lord blessed our ministry there at that time and we saw the good hand of our Lord helping us and blessing our labor there. We look forward once again to serve Him there. But we are in need of your prayers. Ours will be a MISSIONARY TRIP, not a touristic experience. We want to serve, to be a blessing for the dear people we will find from many different backgrounds.

It has been a miracle how the Lord has provided for us to go to all of these places. Most of the time we have been invited and the local churches have covered our expenses.Every time we go it means an extra effort in our economy, and some times we go "hanging there" without knowing how the Lord will provide. It has been my principle to stay with the nationals, living in their same conditions and possibilities. I have never wanted to live above the people I was serving. We have not stayed in luxurious hotels, or resorts... I have traveled in the same form of transportation than the nationals did (and that some times was a real adventure)... I have eaten in their tables, the food they offered me (and I know it was the BEST they could give me)... I have felt honored and privileged to become a part of their lives in this way, but I have never wanted to look like somebody superior... I went there to serve... and I think they saw and felt that.

Just today as I was making everything ready for tomorrow´s flight I receive an email with another  invitation to serve abroad... this time in Ecuador. It looks like this year is going a be a busy one... In October I have been invited to go again to Peru for a conference. From there I will be traveling to Ecuador in order  to preach in a Bible College. I have received another invitation to Uruguay for the Pastor´s Conference in February 2013. I would like also to visit our supporting churches sometime during the year. We were not able to come the whole family as we wanted to do this summer. We just did not have the money for the airplane tickets. After a time of prayer we arrived to the conclusion that it was not the Lord´s time. We believe that the Lord will provide for another moment.

Continue praying for us. I wanted to share all of this with you because I truly belvie the Lord has appointed this kind of ministry for us. It is only by God´s Grace that HE, and only He has opened doors of ministry. I am willing to preach the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ even to the end of the World if the Lord wants for me to Go.


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