Summer: Full time Ministry

EBV in English

This year “summer Vacation Bible School”  has become an  intensive English course. Two young Americans, Vincent and Timothy, will be helping in the teaching of English to our youth, church members or unbelievers who want to participate. I am not sure how many will be, but it seems that we can expect a good group of participants. Many of the unbelievers that we have invited to come are attracted by the idea of  “free English classes ... “ a course like the one we are offering can cost more than five hundred euros. I worked as an English teacher for 9 years which allowed me to develop a good curriculum and a lot of teaching tools. I have also a degree from London University as a exam corrector. This can be of a good help because we are planning to give each student a small diploma at the end of the study. I beg you to pray for us so we will be able to use this opportunity not only to learn a beautiful language, but especially to present the Gospel to all of those that will join the classes.

HESSED. Ministry Camp

These days we are finalizing the details for the Children and youth camps that God willing we will have at the end of August. I want to thank the Lord for the good team of instructors and managers that God has raised up in our midst. Since the government established by law to regulate activities with minors Rosa and I took a step forward and received our  license  as camp directors. That allowed us to begin doing camps with all the permits and then other brothers could make their respective practices as camp counselors and directors under our supervision. After almost three years, I have signed the supervision of a total of six directors and 15 camp counselors  in order to receive their licenses. I am grateful to God for this group of young people from  our ministry that can take the lead in this good camp ministry. Above all  "formal or legal aspects " is the spiritual understanding of this ministry which is much more important. I would like to ask for your prayers that the Lord will bless us and use us abundantly during  summer camps of 2012.

Raising support

The crisis has affected all of us also has affected our family and ministry, but we have seen God's faithfulness and providence. We do not mind the sacrifice, or the need, but  I suffer when I see God's work suffering. There are many things that we are unable to do due to lack of funds. Since we arrived in Spain as missionaries we have been law in support by an average of 47 to 55% of our calculated support. I often wonder how we could do everything  we've done. To give you an idea of ​​what this means, summer camps for our family will cost a minimum of six hundred euros, that is half of the support we have received for  this month. The ministry opportunities even outside our country have also doubled our expenses. I have conferences scheduled this year in Peru, Ecuador and Uruguay. For us it is impossible to cover these expenses,  yet we have seen how every time the Lord has supplied our needs. After much prayer and consideration I have thought that this year we will make an even greater effort to raise support. We would like to invite you to prayerfully consider on joining our team, serving the Lord in Spain, through your prayers, financial support, or presence.

We thank you with all my heart for your love and constancy towards us. God is faithful and keeps his promises.


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