HESSED CAMP Summer 2012
God bless, and when He does His blessings overabundant. I think this is the summary of the camp ministry this summer. Satan has been trying to stop and discourage this work, but the Lord has been with us.

Kids camp. Counting children, consellors, cooks and managers we were 32. This is not a small number if we think that many of the children came from contacts. For four of them this was their first camp. I would like to  to praise the good work done by the consellors.. Maria Samuel, Nataly and Erick were doing their internship with us in order to acquire their diploma as "Monitor de la Generalitat de Catalunya." This is a required diploma for those that work as consellors or directors where minors are involucrated (children and youth activities).  Along with eight other monitors they helped in managing tasks like games, competitions, crafts and caring for the children. It's been a blessing for me to see these young people "in action". These young people have been part of our ministry since many of them were children, every Saturday they have been coming to our meetings, the Lord has been working in their lives and hearts and have taken important decisions. It was a joy to see them loving  the Lord and growing in grace. The fruit of our labor  has filled our hearts with gratitude.

Without a doubt teamwork is what has allowed us to make these camps. Thank the Lord for the good ministry that our coworker Kevin and his wife Olga performed. The "Dire" (Director) is indispensable and they have to pay for all the decisions and details of the organization, Kevin did a good job.

Youth Camp. The same day that ended the camp began the young children. In fact we were desmissing some campers while we were welcoming new ones.. Again there were 30 people eating in the dining tables ... but now it seemed that the children had grown suddenly. My heart felt very heavy the first day seeing many of these young people. The Lord put in my heart to do something different for the beginning of the camp.  I think definitely that what we did gave an impact in the life of the campers and made this camp to be a "different one". I took all the campers to the woods in the darkness of  the night. It was dark, I asked them to turn off their  flashlight and the only light that we had was the moonlight. We were all on our  knees praying. I heard these young people pray with burden and grief, the Lord was there with us and we were all aware that God wanted to do something with us. In that good spirit we  started the camp. Yes there were also games, competitions, sports, etc, but the Bible study on the book of Revelation, and the evening talks on biblical principles (Modesty, Internet, boy-girl relationships etc) made a huge impact in the life of the teens. This time it was my turn to be the "Dire" ... but I have no doubt that once again it was teamwork which provided the abundant blessings that the Lord was pouring.

We continue to pray. The ministry of camp is very important, but it requires a lot of effort, coordination and money. For my family and me it has meant also a financial burden.  Yet, we took it  with joy and faith. We need material, best vehicles, storage location, etc.. etc. For a time we were considering buying a house in order to make the camps. Today we look at other possibilities, but we need your prayers for the Lord to guide us and give us wisdom. Any idea or proposal is welcome, of course any help will be a blessing. May God be glorified in the Ministry Hessed.


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