September, the beginning of the year?

Christmas in September could have been a good idea. It feels like the year starts in September. This is the month for organization, planning, and preparation. Summer ended and everything went back to "normality". and As I look back to the month I can list a good series of "new beginnings":

1.  Ladies meetings every fifteen days.
2.  Men´s fellowship once a month (the last Saturday of the month).
3.  Children Bible Club: on Saturday morning.
4.  Youth group: Saturday evening.
5.  Bible Institute: Wednesday (upper class) and Fridays
6.  Bible studies and prayer meetings at homes: Mondays and Thursdays.
8.  Evangelism and visitation on Tuesdays
7.  Homeschooling: five days a week.

These are just "activities" but every one of those activities has to be watered in prayer. This list is just a small list of what we are doing, serving the Lord in Spain.

September is also a time of planning new goals and objectives (using company terms...) but I prefer to use words as "vision and projects". There is so much I would like to do for the Lord. Is not that we are looking for our glory... we are centered only in HIS GLORY. We want to preach the Gospel in this needed country of Spain. Some times some of our "visions" look just as "dreams", and some of our "projects" become just "wishes"... that brings a beat of disgorgement to my heart. Then I am reminded that I have to do GOD´S WILL in each of those projects. I am reminded that the ministry is the work of the Lord, not mine and that some times difficulties, and changes are part of the perfect plan of God for our lives and ministry. It is for this reason we need so much your prayers and your loving support. The Work of God cannot be done just by one man, it is a team work. The following is a list of our projects, could you please pray with us for each of those projects? We are in need of the leading of the Lord and His support in each of them:

1.  EVANGELISM: cover once again the 14 towns in our county. We have prepared a campaign with the name "There is another church in town".   We will need to print  a Gospel tract in catalan called "Hi ha unaltre Església al Poble" (There is another church in town). We are in need of the funds to publish 2000 copies of this tract. We are in need of wisdom and organization to reach all of these towns.

2.  AUDIO AND VIDEO MINISTRY. A few years ago we received a donation of a very good video camera for the Bible Institute. We have used it very much recording many hours of preaching, classes and Bible studies. Many of those videos have been uploaded to our channel on YOUTUBE. We would like to keep on producing more videos, uploading them to the internet and also recording them on DVD for distribution. I am preparing a series of short "video tracts" with a short message of salvation so we can give away CD with Gospel messages as an evangelistic tool.  The Lord has also provided a little "recording studio" with a green chromakey. We are in need of a faster computer that could help us with the video editing. My clone PC could not do the job and it will be a great help to have one with more RAM memory. I have ask to some people and most of them say that the best thing will be a Mac... We are in need of funds for that project but specially we are in need of wisdom to develop videos with good quality that will reach the hearts of the people.

3.  BIBLE INSTITUTE. AS we opened the class room for another year we realized that once again it was packed with students with a great desire to learn about the Word of God. One of our greatest concerns is the need of more "space". We need wisdom for the future as we are seeing how the Lord is prospering the ministry of FUNDACIÓN BÍBLICA.

4.  BOOK PUBLICATIONS. We praise the Lord for how He is opening new doors of distribution for our books. A brother in Dominican Republic is helping us with the printing and distribution in that country. Another brother has offered himself to help us to put the books in ebook format for Amazon. Last year I published two books. This year I have published one written by Roy Lowe, and I am working in the translation of another book called "Out of the Depths". I have written three more books (dealing one with music, another with false methods of evangelism and one called "The Heart of a Pastor."). They are on my computer waiting to "see the light".... we need direction of the Lord for this ministry as well as funds for the printing of these books.

5.  MUSIC MINISTRY. In a very peculiar situation we "lost" our church piano. The Lord provided for us to buy a new electrical piano. We are organizing a Christmas choir, teaching some of the young people how to play the Spanish guitar and practicing with instruments. My daughter, Anna, is playing the violin in the church services. We are in need of two Spanish guitars and some musical instruments. We need wisdom and direction to organize the music ministry in our congregation. I have written a book about Music and I am teaching the congregation the Bible principles of Christian Music.

6.  CAMPS MINISTRY. More and more the young people of our church is taking the leadership in this ministry. We will continue doing camps for children and young people. It is possible we will be using again Ebenezer Camp for family retreats, but we still are forced by law to use camps registered with the government for children camps. That means that we are force to "pack" everything that we need for the camps and take it with us... that means need of "room". Our small van is getting old and is sometimes too small. We have started a new "fund for van" .. we already have 50$... We need wisdom for the organization of this ministry.

7.  INTERNATIONAL MINISTRY. It looks like this year I am going to be traveling abroad once again with the purpose teaching and preaching. God´s willing in February I will be traveling to Uruguay for a family and workers camps. In April I am scheduling a trip to Peru. I had to cancel my trip to Ecuador for lack of funds. As I contemplate these opportunities of services I pray that the Lord will use us and help us to be a blessing for His work in the Spanish speaking countries. All of these trips could not be possible without your loving support and your prayers.

Please pray with us about these projects. The Lord knows that we need the "funds" to do them, but we are not just asking for "money"... through the years we have seen the hand of the Lord providing in ways we never imagined. It is our privilege to serve Him and be a small part of what HE is doing in Spain.
Thanks to each of you for being a part of this ministry.


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