December 2012

A burning heart. A heart that loves the Lord, loves His Word, and loves the lost souls. This has been my intensive prayer during these last weeks of intense ministry. I did not write anything since November, not because I did not have anything to say, or it did not happen anything.... actually there were a lot of things that happened here in Castellbisbal and in our ministry... just I could not find the time to seat down and write...

CHRISTMAS!!! The opportunities we had to present the Gospel to lost souls were many. At the Christmas banquet we received the visits of twelve people that were never before in a church. They heard the Gospel for the first time after having a lovely meal. Eight of my companions of the Karate School came for the banquet. They were touch for what the testimonies of our own people and after that day we had have many opportunities to keep on talking about the Lord and their need of salvation. Please remember them in prayer.

The Children did an excellent presentation in a Christmas Play. Once again our church was packet! and this time we had visitors even from other churches. I can hardly express the joy of seeing our own children sharing the Gospel with others. It was special to see our CHOIR singing a couple of Christmas Songs with an emphasis not in the songs or in the "performance" but in the Savior. We wanted to recuperate the reality that special singing, choirs or cantatas has no other purpose than to bring the Glory to our beloved Lord.

We entered the new Year in prayer. Around a table with the Lord supper we shared our hearts as many of our brethren gave testimony of the faithfulness of the Lord through the year. And then... 30 young people came to spend the night with us at church with activities, games, hot-chocolate... but specially a time of singing. They all brought their instruments, violins, Spanish guitars, flutes, and we sung! What a precious time of burning hearts!!! It was so encouraging to see these young people thanking the Lord for a year and worshiping Him for His goodness and mercy. 

From Castellbisbal we are reaching the towns of Moia, Terrasa, Cerdanyola, Rubi, and Valls. The prayer groups and house Bible Studies are advancing little by little. My heart is full of ideas and vision for this coming year, yet we are in need of wisdom and prayer as we well know that it is not our "activities" what matters, or it is not the number of people that come to our activity what is important... the really important and paramount goal in our lives and ministry is to give all the Glory to God! and for that we need to keep on having... a burning heart for the Lord. Thank you for your prayers.


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Prayer Letter November