I have not written in my blog for four months... It has not been because lack of activity, on the contrary, much has been done during these months and it will take me a long time to share what has happened.

After our return from Uruguay we were engaged in a lot of activities in our congregation.

The Youth ministry has been greatly blessed by the Lord as a group of 35 to 37 youngsters will gather every Saturday. They are learning to serve the Lord and to be a precious help in their local churches (some of them are coming from other congregations). We had several outings with them as well, going to the mountain, and using our bikes has allowed us to spent time with them and talk about the Lord and their spiritual needs.

Talking about "Bikes"... Do you remember the first bike you had? I am sure it was a special one.I realized that many of our children did have one, so I started collecting old bikes and fixing them. I was able to fix a total of 26 bikes. Just to see the face of happiness of the children and teens when they were able to use the bikes was enough to pay for all the effort and work. We use the time together not just to have fun, but it has allowed us to talk to them, to learn about their needs, they have learned "teem work" and to care one for another. We still need around 15 bikes so everyone of our teenagers will have a bike ready. If you would like to donate for this project specify that the money should be used for the "Bikes project".

We had a mini-camp for children. The topic was "Jonah, adventure under the sea". We changed our local and become an "underwater" scenery where several children spent two days learning about obedience, and the need of changing our character so we will not be like Jonah... You may see a video presentation of this mini camp at the following link:


I was told that once you are a green beret you always will be one... I think part of that is true... The time I spent in the army have been very useful to work with teens. I tough  them how to apply "survival" Technics in the mountains and walk many miles with a group of young men for several of the valleys at the Pyrenees. They have now formed a group called GEC (Group of Christian Excursionist). They have been climbing to the highest mountains in the Pyrenees, but at the same time they have learn to trust in the Lord in difficult situations, to work as a team and to endure in difficult situations. All of these things are important in the ministry. Many missionaries will leave the field when difficulties arise, when things are hard and results are minimum... but you have to continue. The Lord is looking for endurance and loyalty. We want to continue in the way, climbing up, bringing the Gospel further, to regions where it has not been presented... and this is not an easy job, but God is faithful, He is with us and He will help us to reach the mountain.

We are preparing a time of ministry in the States visiting the churches that support us and also a few of new ones. As missionaries we realize the importance of those that each month are helping us to serve the Lord through their prayers and love offerings. Without this help we would not be able to serve the Lord the way we are doing it, and it could be quite difficult for us to develop our ministry. WE are in dept to each of you for your continuous and loving support.

I have prepared a video presentation of our ministry. It is not easy to shows in a few minutes everything that we do for the Lord, but through this presentation we wanted to share with you a bit of how it is to serve the Lord in Spain. I would like to invite you to see the presentation in the following lin. There is a long version (20 minutes) and a short one (10 minutes).

I would like also to use this opportunity to share with you our need for support. We would like to invite you to consider in prayer before the Lord the possibility of becoming a part of the work of the Lord in Spain. Every beat counts, there is not a small donation that we could not use to buy Bibles, Christian tracts, etc. The establishment of churches, Bible Institute, children and youth Camps,  publication and Bible translation etc, every one of these things is done thanks to the support that we receive, would you like to have a part in God´s work in Spain?
Yes, you are an important part of the ministry in Spain.

Your servant, 



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Prayer Letter November