August -- Camps... Mission Trips..

Dear beloved in Christ;
MARANATHA!!! The Lord is coming and He is coming soon! As we see the world today we are sure that our beloved God is coming back again for us. We pray for the peace of Jerusalem and for the King of Peace to establish His throne there.
New visitors and contacts.
In our July prayer letter I share how we were receiving more visitor than ever before, well we have seen this month more people coming to our meetings, and that is an answer to prayer. Montse and her son, David, will like to come more often, both of them are Christians but want to become part of a stronger church. Jonathan came to our family camp, he has heard the Gospel many times but still needs to be born again. Please pray. Eric, a friend of our son Jeremy talk to us and asked if he could come to our church… OF COURSE YES!!! Pray for his salvation.
Family Camp
What a precious time of fellowship we had as a church in our family camp. I preached about the book of Philipians and the Lord moved in the hearts of those that came. Xavi and his wife, Wilma with the tow girls came, as well as Jonathan. We were able to spent time with them and share with them their need of salvation. Several of the young people that came commented how this was one of the best camps that we ever had… well I really believe that all of them were good, but without a doubt this was a very special one.
Mission Trip to North Africa.
Our son Daniel and his fiancé, Abigail, were able to go with a group from Spain to a mission trip to North Africa. We could not share much about his trip or location as they were going to meet with Christians in a country were Christianity is not allowed and the Christians suffer a lot. The Lord was with them and kept them save all the journey. We were praying much for them, but we knew the Lord was going to take care of them. Our son and Abigail were selling sweets for two years in order to save money for a mission trip and the Lord opened the door for this opportunity that has done a lot of spiritual good in their own life and in the life of those that they served. We are thankful for the missionaries Alberto and Francisco Puente who organized the trip. We are encouraging mission trips among the young people so they could have a heart for missions and for the lost. It has been very special for Rosa and for me to see the heart of our own children and their desire to serve in God´s will.
Sharing some Needs.
I would love to write one day just sharing with you all how the Lord provide for us in so many different ways. We wanted to live at the same economical level that those that we serve, and although it has not been easy the Lord has been taking care of us for many years. Two weeks ago we received a special offering of 500 euros for a new car. Our van has been an important asset for our ministry and a great tool… but is more expensive now to fixed. We will be saving some founds for a vehicle project. I share this need with you so you could pray about it… I will love to share how the Lord will provide. We also would like to request prayer for my father and Rosa´s father. Both of them have important physical problems. We appreciate your prayers and love for us, MAY GOD BLESS YOU


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