The same feeling that a child has when he enters “toys r us” is the feeling I have every time I enter a public library or a bookstore… it is wonderland! I am expecting to find treasures and to be able to read each single book there is! Of course that would be impossible, but without a doubt literature and missions goes together.
“books” are our way of communicating truth. For that reason through the years I have been trying to develop a Christian literature ministry. By the Grace of God, I have been able to translate and publish articles and books by different Christian authors. Our Christian book stores in Spain are filled with charismatic and liberal writers because that is what “sells”. We are in a great need of good Christian literature.
I was taught that a good and abundant personal library is a plus and a must for a preacher. My mentor had more than twelve thousand books in his own library… It is sad when I see preachers selling their books because they don´t have a use for it. Yes, I know you need space for your books… but always you can “make space”. Through away your TV set and you will have more space, more useful time, more culture… and more books. Just and idea.  Yes, I know, you may have thousands of books in you pda, in your tablet, in your phone, in your “cloud”… ebooks, pdf, word, you name them… I have them too… but there is nothing like taking a book in your hands, feeling the pages and marking them with a pen! It is a personal, close encounter with culture.
I have been writing several books through this year. Some about church history, some about Fundamentalism, some about modesty, others about personal relationship, I am working with a book on theology… I have already edited and publish more than ten books. I have more ideas in mine mind that time to write them… but I really believe something needs to be said about the modern trends, the changes in our churches, the lack of spirituality, the need of more knowledge of Christ and God´s Word. We cannot allow the liberals to write and teach the newer generations of Christians, it will give birth to a neo-Christianity!
Having a blog or a web page is even cheaper and easier than publishing a book. We have developed several web pages and try to keep fresh our three blogs. (pray4spai, the Pinyol Family, Fundacionbiblica, Castellibaluard). It is not an easy job and it takes time… but we have been able to reach thousands of people we could have never reached if it was not through this means.

Missionaries should write! It is part of our work and ministry in the mission field. But in order to keep on writing we need prayers, We need resources, we need support, we need specially the Lord bringing fruit through this precious ministry of Christian literature; abandoned by some, ignored by others, not well enough supplied, but always useful, always needed. 

pd. The picture above is our logo for our publishing ministry called "Castell i Baluard" based on the Psaslm 18:2 with the Cathar cross and the human tower, a symbol of Catalonia.


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