Thanks so much for Reading our prayer letter and for your prayers for us, THE LORD  has done precious things in September, read and see

Dear beloved in Christ,
"Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil, for thou art with me." Psalm 23

The well known Psalm 23 was once again a precious consolation for my life. This month of September "The Valley of Shadows" has been a reality in several respects, but it has been a blessing to have walked through it and have felt the presence of the one who loves us and cares for us.

BOOK. In The Valley of the Shadow. A few months ago after having my experience with cancer I realized the internal struggle of many cancer patients and wanted to do something to help. The first thing i thought was to write a small book explaining my own experience and the spiritual lessons learned along the way. My desire was to comfort and to give practical advice on how to cope with the disease. I have also spoken with several Christian doctors with the idea of ​​making a series of lectures on the disease and how we can respond to it as believers. The Oncological associations  only offer yoga courses or other alternatives far away from the biblical consolation for the Believer. Over the next months we will have these conferences and my I would like also to invite unbelievers who can hear our witness for Christ. If you want to assist in the preparation of these lectures we have opened an account at the following link:

When death changes your life.
This is a thought that came to my mind when on Saturday September 25th my dear father went to the Lord's presence after almost two years of fighting with sickness. Even in the sadness I felt joy of knowing that he is now in the presence of the Lord and that his death was an opportunity to witness to many. The changes in our life because his death have been important. Now we  have my mother at home living with us and responsibilities have increased  as her son in my care for her, but at the same time it has also been a blessing and testimony. Pray for those relatives who are unsaved  that the Lord will touch their hearts.

MISSION TARRAGONA. Our hearts are still attached to this city in prayer and thanksgiving to the Lord as He is guiding us. I have distributed Gospel tracts in several areas of the city. Keep praying for Jordi, Angels, Miquel, Francesc, Mabel, Sisco, Jordi. I thank the Lord for supplying the need for transportation and Gospel tracts. Now my prayer is that He will provide us with a place to rent, though this will require us to raise more funds and support.

2017. FOURLOGUH—I have already started contacting our churches and we are praying for  the possibilities of visiting new churches. We may have to do it at different stages instead of the 3 months in a row, our ministry and family responsibilities make everything a little more difficult, but the Lord is in control.

We thank all those who pray for us, for your love and your financial support. My desire is to consume my life for Him who died for us, preaching His Word and bearing witness to His work. You are those who are “holding the ropes for us”
Heartfelt thanks.
In the love of Christ,

Peter Pinyol


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Prayer Letter November