"That I may know Him…” (Phil. 3:10) Christ, Christ, and only Christ… nothing else should take His place, He is the center and reason of the ministry, the only reason we are here, the only motive of our hearts. Observing the people around me, I see each day thousands that are going to hell without Christ, many rejecting the only way of Salvation, others embracing sin or destroying their own lives in wrong doings… but I was like one of them before knowing my Savior. Josep, our neighbor, lost his 19 yrs old son in a motorcycle accident. I talk to him about eternity and the conform in the promises of God. Nuria, one of the students in my English class started crying when I mentioned her need of a true loving father. Luis a policeman that was recently involucrate in a shooting told me about his fear, although he did not believe in anything… every day I speak with people that are near eternity and only Christ can save them. A group of 24 went to help Scott Newton in...
Amazing facts about SPAIN (in spite of the current crisis): Per capita, Spain is has the highest consumption of cocaine & marijuana in the world http://www.businessinsider.com/countries-most-cocaine-users-2012-6 Spain is the single country of the world with the most AVE kilometers of rail-lines--220 kms./hr. (High-Speed Train lines) Seven of every ten young people 20-30 yrs. still live at home with their parents. The greatest amount of solar energy derived from solar instalations in the world comes from Spain. Spain is the largest producer and exporter of table olives in the world; the greatest producer of piñon nuts ; the greatest exporter of citric fruits; the second greatest producer of artichokes ; and the highest producer in Europe of all kinds of fruit. Currently Spain has the highest unemployment...
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