An Army Story

The telephone rang… -Hi, Is this Enrique? -Yes, who is that?.—”CAPGE IV, 2nd division, 25 yrs ago… this is Peter Pinyol…” (was my answer) -”Reverend!!!!”  … The voice in the other side of the line expressed his happiness of hearing me after 25 years. My army friend, called me by my nick name “Reverend…” he still remembered it after 25 years. The whole company (225 men)  knew that I was a Christian and in several occasions they  had heard my testimony and was able to share with them the Gospel message. I was only 18 years old. I joined the army and ended up in a special operations platoon (47 soldiers and 10 officers).  That group was divided in several operative squadrons of 8 soldiers and officers. It is difficult to express how an experience like this can unite the hearts of a group of young men… During this last month I felt a great burden to contact my old “comrades” again and  tell them once again about my Lord and Savior. I have been praying for their spiritual needs. I found the list of addresses and phones that I had kept for 25 years, and I began to call one by one… It was interesting to see how some of them were thinking about the possibility of a “historical gathering” in order to celebrate our 25th veteran anniversary. I had a burden for those men as I had never before. I will be contacting them with the desire of telling them about their need of Christ… may be some of them have accepted the Lord already. I wanted to ask for your prayers for this new “mission field.” I need “open doors” in order to reach some of the army personal.  As you well know is not easy to be able to contact a group of people that were trained as Green Berets. I will be sharing with you what the Lord will do, but I need your prayers. Today I am member of another “army”… and we have already won the Victory through Him who loved us and died for us, our beloved Lord Jesus Christ.


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