How the Economical Crisis has Affected our Ministry


God´s providence rules over all the works of men. Even the economical crisis is under God´s control and sovereignty. It is without a doubt that we have suffered the “consequences” of the economical crisis. Yet, we know that we can rest in the everlasting arms.

Many families in our churches are suffering badly. Unemployment reached an astonishing 27%, as a result many of the unemployed could not find a work for months (even more than two years) to a point that they lost the economical help the government was supplying. In our congregation we had families that had to return to their countries. Those that came to Spain looking for new opportunities and a better life now were forced to return to their countries. This produced a decrease in our church attendance. We had families that could no longer came to Castellbisbal as they could not afford the price of bus or train, or even they lost their car and could not buy a new one. We had three families that lost their house to the bank. They no longer could pay the mortgage and loans and therefore the bank took the houses away.

Camps, youth and children ministries have also been affected by the lack of funds. WE had to change the activities we were doing or wanted to do with the young people as they were not able to pay for tickets, transportation or activities. The camps have been greatly affected as many families could not pay for the fees and expenses of staying a few days in a camp house. We had to cut expenses in these ministries and now we have not funds for crafts, sports, games, etc. even for photocopies of Bible material.

The need of food in many households has moved me to contacts some local stores and ask help for those families. We have started a “food-bank” in order to give to these families a little beat of help through all means we can. I never thought I was going to reach this point when even food was so much needed.  

We have also lost much support as many of our supporters were affected by this world economical situation. As a result we have cut all expenses in any area where we could save some cents.

All of these things is the bad side of the crisis… but God still in the Throne, he promised He was not going to leave us not forsake us. He has been faithful all through the situation and every single day as He promised.

As a result of the need, more of our Christian brethren are learning to trust in the Lord for their needs, have become wiser in their use of money and have stopped depending of the government to depend only in the Lord. I had to do a lot of “counseling” and “encouraging” as many people had to confront the stress of great lost and needs. That has allowed me to talk to them about our precious Savior who was able to feed five thousand just with the lunch of a child. New ways of ministry have appeared, as we no longer could function doing “activities” there was something we could do and should do; concentrating in the message of the Gospel more than just activities. The brethren have learned to help each other more, to supply for the needs of others, to care for others as I have never seen before. The unbelievers have seen our effort to help and that has become an open door of testimony for many of them. Their own needs have touched their hearts and now it seems that unbelievers are more open to listen to the Good News of Salvation and to trust in God as the only provider.
For us as a family it has been also good. The people that know us know that we live in the same boat as they live. We also are in need, we also have to sacrifice much in order to arrive to the end of the month. We are not “rich missionaries” and they know that. I have always wanted to live in the same level of the people I was serving. Our children are praying now with more meaning and intensity knowing that God is who is taking care of us.

Yes the economical crisis has affected our church, lives and ministry, but not everything has been bad, Romans 8:28 still in my Bible, shining bright as an eternal promise.

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