You may have heard through the news the political situation in the country of Spain. The complexity of the issue goes back to the times of Isabel and Fernando, the Catholic kings that united the Kingdoms of Catalonia and Castilla in the 1400´s. Since then the Kingdom of Catalonia has been trying to recuperate her independence. 1714 will be a historical hallmark as Barcelona fell into the control of the Borbones dynasty and we lost the possibility of our independence again.  During the 1930 Catalonia was given the possibility to rule herself as a “Republic” under Spain, but the Civil war with Franco ended the Catalan Republic and for 40 years the Catalan people suffered under the dictatorship of Franco. Of course this is a very fast and simplistic view of many years of history.
2014 will be a key year for Catalonia as many independent political parties are trying to vote for the independence of Catalonia. The key, of course, is the economical situation. But even more than that is the reality that the Catalan regions that include the south of France, North east of Spain, Valencia, the Balearic Islands and even a little section of Cerdenya Island are “different” from the Spanish speaking country of Spain. The Catalan culture is different; the idiosyncrasy of the people is different and more important our language is different.
An interesting point for us as Christian is the spiritual heritage that the Catalan region has received. The name Catalunya is the result of its spiritual influence received in the past. The region of Languedoc and Occitania (south of France and northeast of Spain) was called the “land of the Cathars” (Cathars being another name for the Albigensians). From here it come the term “Catharland” that latter become Catalàn… To the Cathars of the other side of the Pyrinees mountains the same Occitanian people called “Cathar llunya” (distant  Cathar) from here “Catalunya” the actuall name for Catalonia. The Cathars gave us their language, Llamosi, their culture and folklore, but especially they gave us their Bible, the first European Bible translated into a vernacular language. It was around the 1200´s. At that time the Pyrenees Mountains were not a “division” but the back bound of what we called the Cathar (Albigensians) territories that were destroyed and conquered by the shameful first crusade when the Vatican troops lead by the French monarchy butchered and completely destroyed the Occitanian culture, annihilating the Christian remnant that was located there.
All of this historical review becomes necessary if we want to understand the present of the Catalan region and their thirst for independence.
As a missionary serving both the Spaniards and the Catalans I have been trying to keep out of the conflict using both languages and my knowledge of both cultures to reach both countries, the Spaniards and the Catalans. I pray often for the conflict as I know it could affect directly the work of the Lord in this region of Europe.
I do not want to talk about all the political, social or economical implications of an Independent Catalonia, my observations are merely ministerial, and indeed some of them are just a hypothesis. Yet, there are things that make me wonder what would happen if…
In an independent Catalonia I would become a citizen with double citizenship, the Spanish and the new one, Catalan. This could affect the status of American missionaries that have a visa issued from Spain, but not from Catalonia. It could be that we no longer would be part of Europe and for us that are not American citizens we may have more difficulties to enter the States. The official language would be Catalan which will imply that in any public situation we should use the Catalan language. That means we will need to preach in the Catalan language, sing in the Catalan language and ministry in this language. All newer missionaries should then learn this language instead of the Spanish language. All our activities will be under the laws of the newer formed country and I am not sure how this will affect our situation as a “Church” under the laws of Spain as a nonprofit organization. We really do not know what may happen although they are telling us that we will keep both citizenships, they are telling us that we will be able to continue using Spanish (although it is not specify that if this is referring to public or private situations). WE are not sure what is going to happen although it is said that our economical situation would be even better, although what the TV news are informing and what the politicians are saying, although all of the things that are being said.. and to be sincere, only the Lord knows what could happen… or what is going to happen.
The referendum is going to be this year, 2014. Just today the Catalan government has presented the first “official” document to the Spanish government in order to call for elections. The future is only in God´s hand.
AS a missionary I have been working with one goal in mind; to reach my neighbors with the Gospel of Christ. I have not been called to talk about politics or to take part on it. Yet, because my calling I am doing all what I can to prepare myself and our ministry for the future.  I have been able to help in the translation of the Catalan Bible, I have collected more than two hundred hymns in Catalan. We are now working in the translation of children´s material in Catalan. In our children´s Club we use the Catalan language in a very natural way speaking with the children in this language. In our prayer meetings we pray both in Spanish and in Catalan and even in our Bible Institute I have given classes in the Catalan language. These are just a few of the things that we will need to implant in a more broad spectrum. This thoughts are just but a few of the things that could change in our ministry if Catalonia becomes an independent nation by 2016 as it has been planned.
One thing we do, we proceed to the goal, we go on with the Lord accomplish our calling. As Paul said I am also debtor to both Greeks and Gentiles, Jews and non Jews, Spaniards an Catalans.
I will appreciate your prayers for our country in this time of the Story. God is in control.

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