
Mostrando entradas de junio, 2014


MINI CAMPS have become almost a tradition in our ministry and spring time could not go by withuot one... We had the opportunity to camp using our tents in a beautiful place in Castellbisbal that the city hall allowed us to use without paying... so it was a golden oportunity to share with the children and with the teens the Word of God in the mids of His precious creation. We will continue working in this good ministry although we may need to use tents instead of renting houses, the high price of the camps sites are a big hindrance for many of the kids that in this time of crisis do not have money to pay for full camps. It is a dream in our minds to have one day a camp site of our own ministry... but while this dream is not becoming a reality we will continue ussing what we have at hand... a tent, a shovel, a sleeping bag... and tons of desires for the spiritual wellbeing of our children and teens!


THANK SO MUCH!!! I wanted to express my gratitude to all of those that send help for our Bible Club. We have plety of pencils, colours, grayongs, construction paper, games, etc, etc for all the needs of the Bible Club during this year. We are very encoreged to see what the Lord is doing among the children and the teens that are helping us. We want to reach the unbelievers but the people of town is very reluctan to any thing that sounds "religious" we had a family that wanted to send their children... but then they say they did not want for them to learn about the Bible...too sad! We are preparing our VACATION BIBLE SHOOL for the first week of July, plese pray that the Lord will use it for His glory and that we will be able to reach families with the precious Gospel of Christ.


Going back to the past is not an easy thing... some times. We traveled to the past in history through the activities of TARRACO VIVA. The city of Tarragona once a year celebrates a good group of activities that react the history of the Roman Empire, including gladiators and roman troops. This time we were invited to the formal wedding of emperor Augustus and his wife... so we took along with us the students of the FUNDACION BIBLICA, our Bible Institute with the desire of learning about the past, about their usses and costums so we could understand even more the New Testament times. We enjoyed a precious time of fellowship with the brethren and young people that came with us. Tarragona is a very special place for me because it is the place where I was born. I had many contacts there and I often have thought about opening a Bible study in that city. Please pray for this burden. I will be traveling at least once a month in order to have Bible studies with a group of contacts. This wil...


When I contemplate the many towns around us without a Bible beliving church I just fall on my knees and pray. It brakes the heart to realice that Spain is among one of the most needed countries in Europe, and yet there is such a great diversity of cultures and foreing religions that we may say that there are mission fields inside this mission field. We have a desire of reaching those towns around our home. We had an opportunity to pass some Gospel tracts in one of our targeted towns called SANT ANDREU DE LA BARCA. We want to continue our evangelistic effort and continue with many other towns in the area where we live. Please continue praying for the salvation of those that receive those Gospel tracts, some of them are muslims, others atheist, many caming from different countries in Africa, South America or Russia, but specially pray for the Catalan people to whom we have been called to serve.


The family is in Crisis, and God is the only answer for that crisis. That was the main idea of our conferences dedicated to the families.We had the privilege and joy of havig pastor Angel Adams, from Fayetteville, GA with us. He preached a powerful message and a needed one.You may see the conferences in our YOUTUBE channel. We have seen a deterioration of the concept and principles of the Christian family even inside many churches. We need to recuperate that vision and understanding of what the Bible teaches about the family. I am writing a book for the youth group of our church called "Time of Love" dealing with the Christian principles of courtship. I have noted that many of the problems in marriage have its roots in that period of life full of romanticism and false expectations, sexual sin, or permissivism. Please, pray that I would be able to finish the book and that the Lord will use it for His glory.