When I contemplate the many towns around us without a Bible beliving church I just fall on my knees and pray. It brakes the heart to realice that Spain is among one of the most needed countries in Europe, and yet there is such a great diversity of cultures and foreing religions that we may say that there are mission fields inside this mission field.
We have a desire of reaching those towns around our home. We had an opportunity to pass some Gospel tracts in one of our targeted towns called SANT ANDREU DE LA BARCA. We want to continue our evangelistic effort and continue with many other towns in the area where we live. Please continue praying for the salvation of those that receive those Gospel tracts, some of them are muslims, others atheist, many caming from different countries in Africa, South America or Russia, but specially pray for the Catalan people to whom we have been called to serve.


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Prayer Letter November