MINI CAMPS have become almost a tradition in our ministry and spring time could not go by withuot one... We had the opportunity to camp using our tents in a beautiful place in Castellbisbal that the city hall allowed us to use without paying... so it was a golden oportunity to share with the children and with the teens the Word of God in the mids of His precious creation. We will continue working in this good ministry although we may need to use tents instead of renting houses, the high price of the camps sites are a big hindrance for many of the kids that in this time of crisis do not have money to pay for full camps. It is a dream in our minds to have one day a camp site of our own ministry... but while this dream is not becoming a reality we will continue ussing what we have at hand... a tent, a shovel, a sleeping bag... and tons of desires for the spiritual wellbeing of our children and teens!


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