The family is in Crisis, and God is the only answer for that crisis. That was the main idea of our conferences dedicated to the families.We had the privilege and joy of havig pastor Angel Adams, from Fayetteville, GA with us. He preached a powerful message and a needed one.You may see the conferences in our YOUTUBE channel. We have seen a deterioration of the concept and principles of the Christian family even inside many churches. We need to recuperate that vision and understanding of what the Bible teaches about the family.

I am writing a book for the youth group of our church called "Time of Love" dealing with the Christian principles of courtship. I have noted that many of the problems in marriage have its roots in that period of life full of romanticism and false expectations, sexual sin, or permissivism. Please, pray that I would be able to finish the book and that the Lord will use it for His glory.


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Prayer Letter November