
Mostrando entradas de diciembre, 2014

"Discovery" - Our Bible Club

This year we introduced a new idea in our children´s ministry. Using the English language and science we have been able to call the attention of many of our children to the wonderful world of God´s creation. Rosa and I both are teachers and we like to use our skills to “educate” and teach about interesting things… but the main goal is to show Christ and to present the Gospel to the children.  Missions in many countries means to give food to needed people, to help in building  pro jects' , or to develop sanitary instal l ations working as medical doctors or nurses…. But missionary work in Spain, and Europe, requires other ways of helping the com m unity, other ways of contacting people and sharing with them the fact that we care for the i r well-being and their needs. The needs are not hospitals, or medical facilities, not even giving them soup and soap… but their needs are also important… How could we reach a whole generation of children that have never Heard about...

Prayer Letter November

"That I may know Him…” (Phil. 3:10) Christ, Christ, and only Christ… nothing else should take His place, He is the center and reason of the ministry, the only reason we are here, the only motive of our hearts. Observing the people around me, I see each day thousands that are going to hell without Christ, many rejecting the only way of Salvation, others embracing sin or destroying their own lives in wrong doings… but I was like one of them before knowing my Savior.  Josep, our neighbor, lost his 19 yrs old son in a motorcycle accident.  I talk to him about eternity and the conform in the promises of God. Nuria, one of the students in my English class started crying when I mentioned her need of a true loving father. Luis a policeman that was recently involucrate in a shooting told me about his fear, although he did not believe in anything… every day I speak with people that are near eternity  and only Christ can save them. A group of 24 went to help Scott Newton in...

October Prayer Letter

Dear beloved in Christ; He stopped me just in the middle of a pedestrian way. He greet me, and expressed his happiness to see me again after such a long time… we had good conversations in the past, now he and his fiancé were remembering some of those conversations. He had followed me through facebook and youtube and, he said, he had been reading my messages… Raul, a young man well situated inside the Opusdei wanted to come back to our church and talk more about the Bible… It had been a long time since our last conversation, but the seed of the Gospel was still growing in his heart. New visitors and contacts. Raul remained me of a Bible principle, “our work in the Lord is not in vain.” Like him we had talk to many, many people in our town about Christ, God and the Gospel, now and then  we see the “results” of those conversations. Oscar and his daughter, Lucia, came back last Sunday and he said he wants to continue coming to our meetings. Gabi and Claudia are trying to come on...