October Prayer Letter

Dear beloved in Christ;
He stopped me just in the middle of a pedestrian way. He greet me, and expressed his happiness to see me again after such a long time… we had good conversations in the past, now he and his fiancé were remembering some of those conversations. He had followed me through facebook and youtube and, he said, he had been reading my messages… Raul, a young man well situated inside the Opusdei wanted to come back to our church and talk more about the Bible… It had been a long time since our last conversation, but the seed of the Gospel was still growing in his heart.
New visitors and contacts.
Raul remained me of a Bible principle, “our work in the Lord is not in vain.” Like him we had talk to many, many people in our town about Christ, God and the Gospel, now and then  we see the “results” of those conversations. Oscar and his daughter, Lucia, came back last Sunday and he said he wants to continue coming to our meetings. Gabi and Claudia are trying to come once a month (they live two hours from our church), Xavi and his family (wife and two daughters are now in every service and they have become part of our congregation. And just last week we received the visit of Teresa a Christian who has moved to our town and wants to become part of our church together with her husband, her daughter and her grand-daughter. The Lord is who gave us the increase in a time of need.
Intensive Bible Institute
Last time I wrote you was from Sevilla were I was taking part in an intensive Bible Institute. A group of 30 people came to the classes of hermeneutics. It was a great privilege to meet with seven missionaries that want to start a Bible Institute in the area of Sevilla, what a joy to talk to them and share our burden and vision, and what a joy to see them with a single heart trying to prepare the next generation of preachers and teachers in the local churches of Spain. God´s willing I will be participating of this effort, but I need your prayers and the Lord´s provision for it.
“Discovery Children´s Club” has started again. This season we are going to be stuying the “little things of creation”. We have also started a group of “metal detector adventures” introducing the children to the “lost treasures” of the Bible. Continue praying for the towns around us that we are reaching with the Gospel: San Andreu, Papiol, Palletja, Martorell, Molins de Rei, Rubi, Terrasa… Please pray for the youth ministry we have a group of teens in our church ready to serve the Lord.
Sharing some Needs.
We continue building up our founds for a vehicle. This is an important need for us and we will like to share it with you.  I am looking into a 7 passenger vehicle that we could use for the church and the ministry. We are looking into a used mini-van, the prices go around ten thousand dollars. I do not like to ask things fçr us, but this is for the ministry. We will be raising up this  money in the next months. If the Lord moves your heart to help us in this project we will certainly appreciate.  Please continue praying for what the Lord is doing in Catalonia, Spain.


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