"Discovery" - Our Bible Club

This year we introduced a new idea in our children´s ministry. Using the English language and science we have been able to call the attention of many of our children to the wonderful world of God´s creation. Rosa and I both are teachers and we like to use our skills to “educate” and teach about interesting things… but the main goal is to show Christ and to present the Gospel to the children. 

Missions in many countries means to give food to needed people, to help in building  projects', or to develop sanitary installations working as medical doctors or nurses…. But missionary work in Spain, and Europe, requires other ways of helping the community, other ways of contacting people and sharing with them the fact that we care for their well-being and their needs. The needs are not hospitals, or medical facilities, not even giving them soup and soap… but their needs are also important…
How could we reach a whole generation of children that have never Heard about Christ and what He did for them. They are “rich” in their economy but so pour in their spiritual lives.
Schools and education has also being one of the main efforts of missionary work through history. Teaching the young ones about the Bible, about God, about creation and preparing a new generation of Christians that will love to serve the Lord in the local church has been a burden of our hearts and ministry during all of these years.
Every Saturday our church building becomes a place to discover the wonders of God´s creation, right here,  in the center of our town, we are reaching the children even from other churches that are coming to enjoy the adventure of meeting new “friends” like our eagle, our ferret, the house of ants, or the many fossils, dinosaurs bones, etc. They have been learning about the seven days of creation, the stars and planets, the first man and first woman and why our planet earth is so special… they have been learning about the senses, and how was the Fanny Crosby could play so well the piano and serve the Lord even without sight… God´s wonders that they need to discover and know about. They have build projects, do handcrafts, and build all sort of things….
But most important they have learned about the Bible and the love of Christ for them. 
And all of these things have been possible because your help, your loving support and your prayers. We could not do without you.

The Pinyol Family, serving the Lord in Catalunya, SPAIN.

If you would like to help us doing God´s work and collaborate with missions in Spain, I would like to invite you to become part of our prayerful supporters. We need you! we would like for you to be a part of our team!
 You may contact our mission board at: GOSPEL FURTHERING FELLOWSHIP, Myerstown, PA. 17067,


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