1000 Towns!!!

As a young man I remember reading the biography of Livingstone. There he mentioned how he saw the boundfires of 1000 villages in the heart of Africa that were not reached with the Gospel yet... I see more than a thousand towns in Spain that have not a Bible beliving church, not a point of testimony.. WOULD YOU LIKE TO HELP US TO REACH THEM???? Yes, you can!

Adopt an unevangelised town in Spain!

While much of the Spanish population live in the larger towns and cities which currently have at least one "evangelical" church, almost a quarter of the 46 million have no ready access to the Gospel through the presence of a church. Some of these 10 million would have to drive (at 50mph) over an hour -even two- to reach their closest "evangelical" church.
There are less than one hundred Independent Baptist Churches in the whole country, many Spaniards do not know what a "baptist" or a "Bible" church are. The generic name "Evangelic" describes anything that is not Catholic... 
We are aimed to make known Christ in these small towns and we pray and work to fulfil the need to plant churches in the remaining towns and villages of the region of Catalonia, so that everyone has easy access to the Gospel. 
In the latest survey published by the group Decision (Dec 2013), the largest 'pueblo' in Spain with neither church, active work towards that end or even a handful of church members living in the municipality -or a church close by, is Ordes, in Galicia, with a population of 13,000 inhabitants. Five years ago, there were 16 towns of over 20,000 inhabitants without any witness. However, there is still one town in this category, if you exclude those catering exclusively for foreigners, or specific people groups, such as the gypsies. Moguer, near Huelva (Andalusia) has just over 20,000 inhabitants. Widening the catchment again to include large towns which have close neighbours with churches, there are still 14 towns over 20,000.
But the information given by Decision does not count the thousand of small towns were people live and need the Gospel. Many missionary work is centered in the large cities, in the large towns... but who is going to reach those that live in little towns... they also need Christ!!!!
What to do:
If you would like to adopt a town, pray over a map of Spain. Think what the Lord leads you to do for that small dot in the map... pray for the salvation of People there, Help us to reach them with Gospel tracts or New Testament. You can donate to this project "One thousand towns" ... you can pray for us that we will be able to acomplish the great comission even in our time. 


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