"Discovery" - Our Bible Club
This year we introduced a new idea in our children´s ministry. Using the English language and science we have been able to call the attention of many of our children to the wonderful world of God´s creation. Rosa and I both are teachers and we like to use our skills to “educate” and teach about interesting things… but the main goal is to show Christ and to present the Gospel to the children. Missions in many countries means to give food to needed people, to help in building pro jects' , or to develop sanitary instal l ations working as medical doctors or nurses…. But missionary work in Spain, and Europe, requires other ways of helping the com m unity, other ways of contacting people and sharing with them the fact that we care for the i r well-being and their needs. The needs are not hospitals, or medical facilities, not even giving them soup and soap… but their needs are also important… How could we reach a whole generation of children that have never Heard about...