
Mostrando entradas de 2014

"Discovery" - Our Bible Club

This year we introduced a new idea in our children´s ministry. Using the English language and science we have been able to call the attention of many of our children to the wonderful world of God´s creation. Rosa and I both are teachers and we like to use our skills to “educate” and teach about interesting things… but the main goal is to show Christ and to present the Gospel to the children.  Missions in many countries means to give food to needed people, to help in building  pro jects' , or to develop sanitary instal l ations working as medical doctors or nurses…. But missionary work in Spain, and Europe, requires other ways of helping the com m unity, other ways of contacting people and sharing with them the fact that we care for the i r well-being and their needs. The needs are not hospitals, or medical facilities, not even giving them soup and soap… but their needs are also important… How could we reach a whole generation of children that have never Heard about...

Prayer Letter November

"That I may know Him…” (Phil. 3:10) Christ, Christ, and only Christ… nothing else should take His place, He is the center and reason of the ministry, the only reason we are here, the only motive of our hearts. Observing the people around me, I see each day thousands that are going to hell without Christ, many rejecting the only way of Salvation, others embracing sin or destroying their own lives in wrong doings… but I was like one of them before knowing my Savior.  Josep, our neighbor, lost his 19 yrs old son in a motorcycle accident.  I talk to him about eternity and the conform in the promises of God. Nuria, one of the students in my English class started crying when I mentioned her need of a true loving father. Luis a policeman that was recently involucrate in a shooting told me about his fear, although he did not believe in anything… every day I speak with people that are near eternity  and only Christ can save them. A group of 24 went to help Scott Newton in...

October Prayer Letter

Dear beloved in Christ; He stopped me just in the middle of a pedestrian way. He greet me, and expressed his happiness to see me again after such a long time… we had good conversations in the past, now he and his fiancé were remembering some of those conversations. He had followed me through facebook and youtube and, he said, he had been reading my messages… Raul, a young man well situated inside the Opusdei wanted to come back to our church and talk more about the Bible… It had been a long time since our last conversation, but the seed of the Gospel was still growing in his heart. New visitors and contacts. Raul remained me of a Bible principle, “our work in the Lord is not in vain.” Like him we had talk to many, many people in our town about Christ, God and the Gospel, now and then  we see the “results” of those conversations. Oscar and his daughter, Lucia, came back last Sunday and he said he wants to continue coming to our meetings. Gabi and Claudia are trying to come on...

August -- Camps... Mission Trips..

Dear beloved in Christ; MARANATHA!!! The Lord is coming and He is coming soon! As we see the world today we are sure that our beloved God is coming back again for us. We pray for the peace of Jerusalem and for the King of Peace to establish His throne there. New visitors and contacts. In our July prayer letter I share how we were receiving more visitor than ever before, well we have seen this month more people coming to our meetings, and that is an answer to prayer. Montse and her son, David, will like to come more often, both of them are Christians but want to become part of a stronger church. Jonathan came to our family camp, he has heard the Gospel many times but still needs to be born again. Please pray. Eric, a friend of our son Jeremy talk to us and asked if he could come to our church… OF COURSE YES!!! Pray for his salvation. Family Camp What a precious time of fellowship we had as a church in our family camp. I preached about the book of Philipians and the Lo...

The Life of a Missionary

"Our Life is Hidden"  The following thoughts came from a blog from a missionary friend of us. I read and enjoyed and I thought to share it with all of you as well. There are many things of the life of a missionary that almost look a "waste of life..." but we are indeed making an inversion for eternity.  Every day we expend our lives. If we expend our days, our hours, our money, our emotions on earthly things, the results will be currently and temporarily visible. If we expend our days, our hours, our money, our emotions on things above where Christ sits at the right hand of God, it will be currently and temporarily invisible. No one will see the wisdom behind this expenditure. In fact it will look foolish many times even to Christians who lack the faith to see with eyes placed on Christ above.  Nate Saint said, “People who do not know the Lord ask why in the world we waste our lives as missionaries. They forget that they too are expending their lives … a...

A Beat of Courtesy

Just a beat of courtesy Just a beat of courtesy does not look like much, or something important in our work of evangelism… may be is not even a thing to share in our prayer letters, but more and more I am realizing than before being able to present the Gospel, I just have to show a beat of courtesy. I came back from a busy day and as I parked my car my neighbor was cleaning up the yard. He has cut a lot of grass and he was quite overwhelmed by the work. I stop and helped him for a while picking up the leaves and grass and put it in a bag… nothing special, just courtesy but that developed into a conversation about our Christian live. Sunday evening we were returning from a walk after the evening service. We stop to chat with a old lady from our neighborhood, she had broken a leg and had a cast in her leg. She was waiting sited in a car a she was waiting for her daughter to call for help as she needed to go to her apartment in the second floor, without an elevator… I offered mys...

July Prayer Letter

God answers prayer, and His answers are always greater and better that what we expected. You have been praying for us and for the work of the Lord in Spain, let me share what THE LORD IS DOING! New visitors and contacts. For three consecutive Sundays we had new people coming to our congregation. Wilma and Xavi with their two daughters have continued visiting us, please pray for the salvation of Xavi. Gabi and his daughter, Claudia with her fiancé, Albert came to visit us again. They need the salvation that is in Christ. Yesterday came to our service, David Mier, a friend from university of my son Daniel. David is a “good” Catholic that goes to mass every Sunday, but what a thrilling joy was to see his face when I explained the four columns of our faith; “Sola Scriptura, Sola Gratia, Sola Fides, and Solo Cristo”…. I presented to him the eternal Gospel, please pray for His salvation. Please continue praying for the salvation of David Castellbi , Vicens, Marco, Sandra, Luca, Antoni...


MINI CAMPS have become almost a tradition in our ministry and spring time could not go by withuot one... We had the opportunity to camp using our tents in a beautiful place in Castellbisbal that the city hall allowed us to use without paying... so it was a golden oportunity to share with the children and with the teens the Word of God in the mids of His precious creation. We will continue working in this good ministry although we may need to use tents instead of renting houses, the high price of the camps sites are a big hindrance for many of the kids that in this time of crisis do not have money to pay for full camps. It is a dream in our minds to have one day a camp site of our own ministry... but while this dream is not becoming a reality we will continue ussing what we have at hand... a tent, a shovel, a sleeping bag... and tons of desires for the spiritual wellbeing of our children and teens!


THANK SO MUCH!!! I wanted to express my gratitude to all of those that send help for our Bible Club. We have plety of pencils, colours, grayongs, construction paper, games, etc, etc for all the needs of the Bible Club during this year. We are very encoreged to see what the Lord is doing among the children and the teens that are helping us. We want to reach the unbelievers but the people of town is very reluctan to any thing that sounds "religious" we had a family that wanted to send their children... but then they say they did not want for them to learn about the Bible...too sad! We are preparing our VACATION BIBLE SHOOL for the first week of July, plese pray that the Lord will use it for His glory and that we will be able to reach families with the precious Gospel of Christ.


Going back to the past is not an easy thing... some times. We traveled to the past in history through the activities of TARRACO VIVA. The city of Tarragona once a year celebrates a good group of activities that react the history of the Roman Empire, including gladiators and roman troops. This time we were invited to the formal wedding of emperor Augustus and his wife... so we took along with us the students of the FUNDACION BIBLICA, our Bible Institute with the desire of learning about the past, about their usses and costums so we could understand even more the New Testament times. We enjoyed a precious time of fellowship with the brethren and young people that came with us. Tarragona is a very special place for me because it is the place where I was born. I had many contacts there and I often have thought about opening a Bible study in that city. Please pray for this burden. I will be traveling at least once a month in order to have Bible studies with a group of contacts. This wil...


When I contemplate the many towns around us without a Bible beliving church I just fall on my knees and pray. It brakes the heart to realice that Spain is among one of the most needed countries in Europe, and yet there is such a great diversity of cultures and foreing religions that we may say that there are mission fields inside this mission field. We have a desire of reaching those towns around our home. We had an opportunity to pass some Gospel tracts in one of our targeted towns called SANT ANDREU DE LA BARCA. We want to continue our evangelistic effort and continue with many other towns in the area where we live. Please continue praying for the salvation of those that receive those Gospel tracts, some of them are muslims, others atheist, many caming from different countries in Africa, South America or Russia, but specially pray for the Catalan people to whom we have been called to serve.


The family is in Crisis, and God is the only answer for that crisis. That was the main idea of our conferences dedicated to the families.We had the privilege and joy of havig pastor Angel Adams, from Fayetteville, GA with us. He preached a powerful message and a needed one.You may see the conferences in our YOUTUBE channel. We have seen a deterioration of the concept and principles of the Christian family even inside many churches. We need to recuperate that vision and understanding of what the Bible teaches about the family. I am writing a book for the youth group of our church called "Time of Love" dealing with the Christian principles of courtship. I have noted that many of the problems in marriage have its roots in that period of life full of romanticism and false expectations, sexual sin, or permissivism. Please, pray that I would be able to finish the book and that the Lord will use it for His glory.


I have heard that the great awakening began in a prayer meeting of just a few people. History has changed, but God has not. What we had the opportunity to live during this last days well could be a beginning of a spiritual fire in the hearts and lives of many people. We had the privilege and honor of participating in a summit for the evangelism of Europe. Around 160 young people, a group of pastors and representatives of different independent baptist churches gathered together in order to pray and study God´s word with a main burden; the need of preaching the Gospel to every creature. I was invited to preach in three different occasions with the main topic of "the defense of the Bible," "Scientific Proofs of the existence of God" and a general meeting where I preached about the Gospel of Jesus Christ -Romans 1:16. After the summit I was invited to preach in Iglesia Bautista Fe in Sevilla and the Iglesia Evangélica of Alcala de Guadaira which pastor is the only Jap...

Reaching towns in our area with the Gospel of Christ

We would like to request your prayers for the thousands of people that live near our home-town and do not have a Bible believing church to go. We will be reaching those towns, but we need your help. We are planning to reach each home in the towns around us, we are also considering the possibility of starting Bible studies in a town a city an hour from us, Tarragona. We need your help. We are in need of Gospel tracts, New Testaments, and funds to cover the expenses of our campaigns.  We would like to invite you to take an active part in reaching thousands with the precious Gospel of Christ. We will keep you informed of what the Lord is doing, through our prayer letters, video reports and blogs. You can help us by praying each day for the salvation of people, for us and for God´s work in Spain. You may take an active part helping us to buy Gospel tracts, New Testaments or through love offerings to pay for the expenses, renting of places for the Bible studies etc. Every little effort...

Reaching with the Gospel of Christ

Preaching the Gospel in the Streets A testimony of our church in the main street of Castellbisbal Last Saturday we were able to give testimony through a small stand in the "Solidarity Show" of all the GNO of our town. The City hall called us and invite us to take part in that activity. We were able to sell some of the handcrafts that our ladies did in order to have funds to pay for the children´s camps. But most important we were able to give a lot of free New Testaments and Gospel tracts. Pray for PILAR  a backsliding christian that we were able to talk for a good time. She promised she will come to visit our church. This coming Saturday we will be covering with gospel tracts a nearby town, Sant Andreu de la Barca. There is any Christian Church in that town. Pray also for our Children´s Bible Club, ESPLAI DISCOVERY, we are having around 10 children coming from Christian homes, but during the week we have been inviting many children from our town, pray that the Lord will...


You may have heard through the news the political situation in the country of Spain. The complexity of the issue goes back to the times of Isabel and Fernando, the Catholic kings that united the Kingdoms of Catalonia and Castilla in the 1400´s. Since then the Kingdom of Catalonia has been trying to recuperate her independence. 1714 will be a historical hallmark as Barcelona fell into the control of the Borbones dynasty and we lost the possibility of our independence again.  During the 1930 Catalonia was given the possibility to rule herself as a “Republic” under Spain, but the Civil war with Franco ended the Catalan Republic and for 40 years the Catalan people suffered under the dictatorship of Franco. Of course this is a very fast and simplistic view of many years of history. 2014 will be a key year for Catalonia as many independent political parties are trying to vote for the independence of Catalonia. The key, of course, is the economical situation. But even more than t...

How the Economical Crisis has Affected our Ministry

HOW THE ECONOMICAL CRISIS HAS AFFECTED OUR MINISTRY God´s providence rules over all the works of men. Even the economical crisis is under God´s control and sovereignty. It is without a doubt that we have suffered the “consequences” of the economical crisis. Yet, we know that we can rest in the everlasting arms. Many families in our churches are suffering badly. Unemployment reached an astonishing 27%, as a result many of the unemployed could not find a work for months (even more than two years) to a point that they lost the economical help the government was supplying. In our congregation we had families that had to return to their countries. Those that came to Spain looking for new opportunities and a better life now were forced to return to their countries. This produced a decrease in our church attendance. We had families that could no longer came to Castellbisbal as they could not afford the price of bus or train, or even they lost their car and could not buy a new one. We...